We are always excited to welcome new members to our community. To become a member, please complete the below membership application form and we will get in contact with you.
In order to qualify for membership, you must be nominated by a current member and approved by
the Committee, as per the Constitution. Once approved, you will be emailed an invoice for the
membership fee and a virtual membership card.
New members will be charged membership at a pro rata rate if applying before the end of financial year. All membership fees need to be paid by the end of June each year.
Membership benefits:
By becoming a member, you will receive the following:
A right to vote and influence the direction of the organisation
Free dinner ticket to our annual Slava
Invitation to events and programs
Discounted entry to our events
Discounted hall hire rates
Regular correspondence
* All applications are at the discretion of the Serbian Cultural & Information Centre Committee.